Friday, September 30, 2011

Kleenex vs. Puffs

I have really bad allergies in the fall, spring, and summer. This spring wasn't so bad while I was pregnant, which I am grateful for!!!! This fall has been a little bad but not too much. The past couple of weeks however have been awful and I'm really sick. So, allergies or sickness I use a lot of kleenexes. A friend of mine introduced me to the Kleenex brand with lotion or aloe in them and I've been hooked ever since. I was wondering recently if the Puffs brand was any better. I bought both kinds to try it out and I am still a Kleenex girl all the way. I will never (unless I really have to) buy tissue paper without lotion or aloe in it and I will only buy the Kleenex brand (again unless I can't). I love me some really soft, lotioned, soothing, type of tissue paper. When using the other kinds nothing compares. If you haven't tried it, in my mind it's worth the extra money, but then again I am always needing to blow my nose. Maybe this is not an issue or a concern for other people.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Soft Face

Today I had a Mary Kay facial. It was nice. The girl that came over was very kind and not pushy. She did not tell me that everything I am currently doing is wrong and will ultimately make me look hideous, wrinkled, and will stop working soon anyway. I have been told these things in the past at Mary Kay demos. Anyway, after she left I was walking around feeling my face and thinking how soft it was. When I saw my mom I had her feel my face and said, "it's really soft huh?" She then said to me, "ya, but you already had really soft skin." I believe my mom because last night I had a major headache so I got out of bed, left our apartment, went upstairs, and asked her to rub my face, neck, and head in hopes the massive headache would leave me without medication. Normally, I just take meds because I'm not that patient with pain but with the pregnancy I try to use other methods first. So, she had thoroughly felt my face just last night and she said, "I was thinking how soft it was last night when I rubbed your face." So, Mary Kay or not, (even though the facial did feel nice) I have a soft face and that made me feel really good today.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Out For A While

I've been out for a while. I'm 15 weeks pregnant now and I'll be honest, I don't remember my first pregnancy being this painful as I stretched. But at least the nausea is leaving me and I'm able to actually go out and do some now. I don't know how I will do this again someday with two children, but that's my plan for now. I hope we find out the gender of the baby next month. I'm pretty sure it's a boy, partly because I've wanted a girl for so long (or a sister for that matter) and odds are not with me at this point, and partly because I really FEEL like it's a boy. If I'm wrong then wonderful, if I'm right then wonderful. We already have a boy name and no girl names seem to fit anyway. We will see I guess.
School has started again and that means my hubby's schedule changes. I am grateful this is the last semester of undergrad stuff. It means we are getting somewhere even though it's been a slow process. Truthfully, it's been right for us.
We have switched my son to a toddler bed. The crib was no longer safe for him and he's doing pretty well in the bed. We hope the going to bed part gets easier but I'm sure it will with time. All changes take a bit to get used to.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wasting my Life..

There is  a song I knew in High School that said something along the lines of, "I'm wasting my life waiting for you, yes it's true, I've been wasting my life on you." In general I'm pretty sure the song is about waiting for a person to fall in love with you, but my Love loves me and this is not relevant for me in that context. However, it seems to fit perfectly with other relationships in my life at times. For some people it's really hard to go out of their comfort zone and check on people, ask how their day is going or how it went and that sort of thing. Mostly, I am blessed and this is not my trial. This does not mean that it's all peachy and wonderful. There are moments when I feel that I have reached the last straw or the last attempt at friendship. I keep asking and hoping and my heart is out there dieing for that moment when they call and say, "hey lets get together and chat!" or  "how are you today?" But instead I have somehow hit a wall. The wall that says, thanks for being my friend but I'm not really interested in you being my friend or frankly of being your friend in any way. I know I am guilty of doing this to others. I have a friend right now who seems to be reaching out to me and lets face it I'm sucking at being her friend back. I need to step up because honestly, I do want to be her friend. Which, also leads me to believe that I could be completely misjudging the situations with people who have done this to me as well. It's strange when I feel like I have wasted time trying to be friends with someone and then I often feel stupid. Then there is that tiny bit of hope still left in my heart that says, maybe this time they will actually want to reciprocate. So, eventually I keep trying. Being friendly can hurt, but being a loner always hurts, at least for me.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Remembering the Moment

My son is approaching 2 years old. He has a little time still but in my mind it's pretty close. There are moments when I'm watching him run in the backyard, because he loves to run, and he gets to the bottom of the tiny hill and he laughs out loud. Or when he's pushing the little tykes car around and around the yard just because he can. It is at those times that I think to myself, I want to remember this moment forever. I realized yesterday that often after thinking that I do not give the moment a second thought and the memory is actually lost from my mind. I want to remember yesterday when out of nowhere in the car I said, "say it." referring to nothing in particular, and he said, "I.. love.. Mommy." I want to remember the moment today when he looked at me and said, "I.. am.. AWESOME!" He seriously amazes me everyday. He is so sweet. I know he will not always be the way he is now and I want to remember. It kills me when he goes to hug another child and they looked at him with a terrified expression and push him down. He then looks at me with a very confused look on his face that seems to ask, "why momma? What did I do wrong?" It's those moments when I want to take him and run, but instead I look him in the eyes and say something like, "you're ok bud. Hugs are good, you did nothing wrong. Be strong! Lets see your muscles!" and I give him a smile. I want him to know that even though he's been pushed down he can pick himself back up. It's hard though. I don't want him to learn how to fight, but I do want him to learn how to be strong. He really is AWESOME! He really amazes me and teaches me and brings me such joy. Don't get me wrong he is still a toddler, but I want to remember these amazingly sweet and pure moments of joy and love. I believe children are a gift from heaven.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ultrasound Tech

I really wanted to be a creative writing teacher for a long time. I loved my creative writing class in High School and really enjoyed the classes in college as well. I love the outlet and that nothing can really go wrong, you can just let your imagination run free. Recently, I've been on Facebook more than I should admit and they keep having that add pop up that says something like be and ultrasound tech today. Whenever I see this add I really want to actually be an ultrasound tech today. I wish I could do it. It's giving me desires to go back to school. I even asked my husband last night what he thought and being the great man he is he said, "do it! Look it up and figure it out." I really feel like I should be home with my baby right now and not away at school or working regularly so I don't think right now is the right time but I am going to keep this idea in my mind for the future. I was speaking with my mother-in-law about the silly Facebook add and she said it had had the same effect on her as well. So now I'm wondering, do adds on Facebook sometimes get you thinking or interested?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Movie Moments

There are times in my life where I have had what I call a movie moment. Those moments are the ones that you think will never really happen to you. You know, you see them in the movies and you think, "that never happens in real life!" Like the moment where the girl in the beautiful dress walks down the stairs and the guy she crushes on looks up at her and has "that" look on his face. There is that outpouring of emotion in the moment and it always makes me think, that could never happen to me and then one day out of nowhere it does. Maybe not exactly like the movie showed it but the emotion and the crush and the wow factor are all there. I could also call these moments dream moments. I often dream this way and always have. In high school I called them "what ifs". For example I often found myself thinking things like, what if the guy I really like just dropped by tonight and brought me flowers or left me a note. Pretty much I talked myself out of having the "what if" day dreams because lets be honest, I started really wanting those kinds of things to happen and in the end nothing is ever going to be as amazing or as beautiful as my imagination can create. Now that I've had a few movie moments and a few "what ifs" come true I know that dreaming isn't bad, as long as I can keep it in check and not let my heart be caught up in the illusions and fantasies. Some of my favorite memories include:
  • Walking into a reception and having my crush from years ago look up at me with "that" look on his face. I literally asked my cousin who was standing right next to me, "did you see that?" and she responded with "oh ya!" 
  • Dancing on the runway in Arizona as the sun was setting with my fiance'
  • Walking out of temple after my wedding and seeing the most amazing snow I've ever seen falling. That was such a cool feeling. The love of my life and I were married and the snow was gorgeous!
  • Seeing my dad in the parking-lot after a marching band performance.
  • Of course, holding my son in my arms for the first time and knowing that he was/is mine forever
There may be other moments that can fall in this category but really the movie moments are few and far between for me. However, when they happen they really blow me away and it's almost as if the emotion of the moment is enough to last a life time!